Swannanoa School 150th Anniversary Sculpture

Hi everyone, I am really pleased to share the last project I have worked on over the past few weeks. I am so fortunate to have been invited to help design and work with the children at Swannanoa School to create this 150th Anniversary sculpture.
The sculpture incorporates the values of all four hapū and represents everything that makes Swannanoa School so unique.
The front top half of the sculpture features four of the school values.
Roimata (Respect), Porowhita (Success), Koru (Kindness), Toki (Integrity). The fifth value Pikorua (Community), is the design feature on the reverse side of the sculpture.
Above the values are some farm animals, a goat, a chicken and a quail; these reflect the farming community of Swannanoa.
The bottom half of the sculpture features each hapū. All children from each hapū helped work on it:
Hapu 1 Pākura - Pukeko. Students from Year 0 - Year 2
Hapu 2 Pīwakawaka. Students from Year 3 - Year 4
Hapu 3 Kārearea. Students from Year 5 - Year 6
Hapu 4 Ruru. Students from Year 7 - Year 8
The sculpture incorporates the values of all four hapū and represents everything that makes Swannanoa School so unique.
The front top half of the sculpture features four of the school values.
Roimata (Respect), Porowhita (Success), Koru (Kindness), Toki (Integrity). The fifth value Pikorua (Community), is the design feature on the reverse side of the sculpture.
Above the values are some farm animals, a goat, a chicken and a quail; these reflect the farming community of Swannanoa.
The bottom half of the sculpture features each hapū. All children from each hapū helped work on it:
Hapu 1 Pākura - Pukeko. Students from Year 0 - Year 2
Hapu 2 Pīwakawaka. Students from Year 3 - Year 4
Hapu 3 Kārearea. Students from Year 5 - Year 6
Hapu 4 Ruru. Students from Year 7 - Year 8