Swannanoa School Mural

I was approached with the opportunity to craft a mural for Swannanoa School to celebrate their 150th anniversary. I conceptualized a design that pays homage to the school and its picturesque surroundings.
Right from the outset, I envisioned a triptych format with the majestic Southern Alps as a continuous backdrop spanning all three panels. This choice was inspired by the breathtaking view of the Alps while approaching the school each day. Within the mural, you'll find five sculptures I collaboratively created with the students a few years ago, symbolizing fundamental values such as community, respect, integrity, kindness, and success.
In addition to these sculptures, four native birds are featured, each representing one of the school's clusters of classrooms or "hapu." These birds are the Ruru, Piwakaka, Pakura, and Karearea from left to right. I involved the children in the creation process, particularly in the lower section of the mural where native flora thrives.
This project is the first mural I have worked on with a school, and I have learned a lot throughout the process and it is a new string to my bow. And because of its success, I am keen to make it another business feature with other schools.